The World That Was The Island That Was The World

Bex approached us back in 2022, looking for a collaborator to develop a website that would host a decade long project of an island off the coast of Sierra Leone, West Africa. The project is a documentary universe, endeavouring the capture a record of a community of people living on an island that is gradually disappearing. […]

Studio Spranks

Portfolio Studio Spranks website design - Bold new brand - Margate web management

Studio Spranks A collaborative project with the former Sprankenstein Studio to design and build a portfolio website to launch alongside the new brand, ‘Studio Spranks’.  The pitch gave the portfolio work itself a backseat to allow for the studio’s bold, playful character to shine through.  We created an interactive landing page with a unique horizontal […]

Dissolving Earths

Dissolving Earths is a digital exhibition which brings together a artists, writers, ecologists, geographers, astronomers, shamans, and more – all whose lives and work are embedded in the Siberian permafrost regions and those tracing their implicated relationship from afar. The website presents a curation of works which only exist in this digital domain; film, photography, […]